
October 31, 2020
Mobility Exercises in the Truck

Sitting for long periods can lead to stiffness, aches, and poor blood circulation. But for those deeper aches and pains, here are a few deeper stretches you can easily do before and after your trip, in your truck at any rest stop to offset body pains, improve mobility, and increase blood flow. If you would like to take these exercises outside, you can lay down a towel or yoga mat. Make sure to only move in pain-free motions during these exercises.

Lower Trunk Rotation

Begin lying on your back with your knees bent and feet resting on the floor. Keeping your back flat, slowly rotate your knees towards the floor until you feel a gentle stretch in your trunk and hold 2-3 seconds. 

Reps: 10-15 Sets: 2-3

Side-lying Rotation

Begin lying on your side with your legs bent and your arms together straight in front of you. Lift your top arm straight up and over to the other side of your body and hold 2-3 seconds. Make sure to keep your knees together and only rotate your back and upper arm while your hips stay facing forward. 

Reps: 10-15 Sets: 2-3

Piriformis Stretch

Begin by lying on your back with both knees bent and feet resting flat on the ground. Cross one leg over the other so your foot is resting on your knee. Grab your leg just below the knee and slowly draw it towards your opposite shoulder until you feel a stretch in your buttocks and hold up to 30 seconds per leg. 

Reps: 2 Sets: 2


Single Knee to Chest Stretch

Begin lying on your back with your legs straight. Using your hands, slowly pull one knee toward your chest until you feel a gentle stretch in your lower back. Make sure to keep your back relaxed and flat on the ground during the stretch. 

Reps: 2 Sets: 2

Press Up

Begin lying on your stomach with your hands by your shoulder resting flat on the ground. Push against the floor with your hands, bending your back upward, and hold for 2-3 seconds. 

Reps: 10-15 Sets: 2-3

Child’s Pose Stretch

Begin on all fours. Sit your hips back while reaching your arms overhead and lowering your chest to the ground. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds. Make sure to relax into the pose and sit your bottom back to your heels as much as possible. 

Reps: 2 Sets: 2

Child’s Pose with Sidebending

Begin on all fours. Sit your hips back as you reach your hands forward and to the side, then continue to sink further into the stretch. Hold for up to 30 seconds, then repeat to the other side. Make sure to relax into the pose and try to sit your bottom back to your heels as much as possible. 

Reps: 2 Sets: 2

Child’s Pose with Thread the Needle

Begin on all fours. Slowly sit your hips back towards your heels, then reach one arm under your trunk, allowing your shoulders to rotate and hold for up to 30 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side. Make sure to look at your hand as you move your arm.

Reps: 2 Sets: 2


Begin on all fours with your arms directly under your shoulders and knees bent 90 degrees. Slowly round your back up toward the ceiling and hold 2-3 seconds, then let it sag down to the floor while looking up, and repeat. Make sure to use your entire back for the motion and keep your movements slow and controlled. 

Reps: 10-15 Sets: 2-3

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